суббота, 3 января 2009 г.

Closing ceremony of Symposium

Closing ceremony of Symposium
Closing ceremony of Symposium, Thierry Lauwers, Belgium
Closing Ceremony of Symposium, Sergey Milchenko, Russia
Closing ceremony of Symposium, Carole Turner, USA
Closing ceremony of Symposium, Konstantin Volkov and Risto Immonen, Finland
Closing ceremony of Symposium, Beata Rostas, Hungary
Closing ceremony of Symposium, Levon Tokmajan, Armenia
Closing ceremony of Symposium, Michele Valenza, Italy and Konstantin Volkov
Closing of Symposium, Risto Immonen and Konstantin Volkov
Closing of Symposium, Carole Turner, USA and Yury Tkachenko
Closing of Symposium Beata Rostas and Anna Klimansovich
Closing of Symposium
Closing of Symposium, Satoru Takada, Japan Yury tkachenko and Valery Sazonov
Closing of Symposium
Closing of Symposium
Closing of Symposium, Thierry Lauwers

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